Sunday, September 23, 2012

Små delförklaringar till tingens ordning

I bland finner man på små episoder ur människors liv som illustrerar ett varför kopplat till ett något.

På skriver David Boyle om hur han vid sitt första besök i Bank of Englands (the high temple of the old economics) lokaler får syn på deras stora 2-våningsbibliotek, där alla pappershandlingar äldre än 30 år, inklusive alla plågsamma beslut banken varit del i, återfinns.

The Bank of England archive is a real library, not like the sadly-depleted City Business Library which told me recently it was their policy to throw away any material more than three years old – possibly the real reason why the financial system never learns from history.
I had the opportunity to put the words ‘money creation’ into their computerised index.  
Nothing came up…

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